Ice Damage

Ice Damage

Ice can lead to a wide range of damage to trees and the woodlands as a whole. In some cases the ice only damages upper branches, while other trees will be overturned or the main stem will be broken. The majority of the timber value resides in the lower main stem and assessment of timber loss must focus on the damage that has occurred to this section of the tree.

No matter the severity of damage, the woodlands can be a dangerous place following an ice storm. We implore you to take extra precautions and work with a professional before attempted to assess or manage the situation.

Please use the safety guides and photo guides to help walk you through this process.


Where to Get Help: Where can you go to get help with your ice-damaged woodlands? Click on the links below for information:

Kentucky Division of Forestry (KDF) 
Contact the Kentucky Division of Forestry for assessment of woodland ice damage. Service foresters can assess damage and develop a Stewardship Plan to help manage short-term and long-term forest health. 

Kentucky Association of Consulting Foresters
Consulting foresters can provide assistance with salvage harvesting and casuality loss deductions.

County Cooperative Extension Offices
If you need publications or assistance contacting a KDF or consulting forester, go to your county Cooperative Extension Office for assistance.

For more information, contact the webmaster,  UK Department of Forestry Extension at

Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073