Tree Injection Kit

Tree Injection Kit

Tree Injection Kit



Instructional Videos

Best Practices Video Thumbnail

Macro-Injections - Best Practices

The Macro Infusion Process - How to Use, Tree Injection Best Practices, and Equipment

Quick Overview Thumbnail

Macro-Injections - Short Instructions

Macro-infusion quick overview


Laurel Wilt Thumbnail

Laurel Wilt - General Information

Laurel Wilt Disease: What is LWD?

Laurel Wilt Sample Collection Thumbnail

Laurel Wilt - Sample Collection with Hatchet

Laurel Wilt Disease: Scouting and Sampling


DBH Tape - Thumbnail

How to use the DBH Tape

Forestry Tools - DBH Tape

Tree injection kit return protocol 

*Do not return any equipment with leftover fungicide*  

  1. Record the conditions of the returned equipment and note anything damaged, lost, or discarded on the checklist. This could include broken drill bits, torn tubing, clogged connecter tees, used nitrile gloves, and/or scratched safety glasses. 

  2. Return all equipment to its accompanying packaging. Macro-injectors should always be stored upright and never horizontally.  

  3. Pump water through the system to flush the remaining fungicide from the injector tank and hoses. Discard the contents away from non-target areas and waterways. 

  4. Clean the connector tees and hoses debris with water, rags and/or a toothbrush.  

  5. Neatly wind the tubing around itself so it can be easily uncoiled by the next user. Tie the coil together with a string or twist-tie.  

  6. Use a toothbrush or rag to clean sawdust off the drill bits. Thoroughly dry before storing. 

  7. Fully charge the power dill. 


Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073