Wood Industry
Hardwood forests cover nearly half of the acres in Kentucky. With that in mind it is not a coincidence that the Commonwealth has a strong and diverse industry with loggers in every county, many sawmills and primary manufactures, some secondary finished goods industry, stave and cooperage facilities to support the bourbon industry, a couple of pulp and paper facilities and several locations utilizing residues. The wood industry in Kentucky is circular, meaning that there are markets for all the material harvested and residues from processing at all levels in the supply chain. This page serves as technical resources available to support the different segments of the forest and wood industries of Kentucky.

The Ky Master Logger Program deals with regulations of water quality, timber trespass, endangered species and air quality
Logger Resources
Forestry Professionals
We are committed to helping forestry professionals in managing the lands of the Commonwealth.
Forester Resources
A variety of resources for wood industry professionals from trainings to publications and directories.
Wood Industry Resources
Wood Industry Directory
Search primary and secondary wood industries for Kentucky’s forest products.
Forest Product DirectoryOther Wood Industry Resources
Kentucky Economics
Learn how Forestry Impacts Kentucky.
KY Forest Sector Economic Contribution ReportTechnical Training Series
Specialized training offered to wood industry personnel conducted at the Wood Center.
Training ProgramWhite Oak Publications
White oak is an important species and proper management of this species is critical.
White Oak Publications