General Forestry Publications
General Forestry Publications
NEP-230-Cook Wild Kentucky: Fishing in Kentucky
Gregg Rentfrow, Matthew Springer | May. 25, 2022
FORFS 21-07 - Selling Black Walnuts in Kentucky - 2021
Oct. 11, 2021
PPFS-OR-H-11-Common Problems of Annuals and Perennials: An Index
Ellen Crocker | Aug. 2, 2021
FORFS20-05 - Selling Black Walnuts in Kentucky - 2020
Jeffrey Stringer, Renee Williams | Nov. 2, 2020
Selling Black Walnuts - 2019
Nov. 7, 2019
FORFS17-03 - Keeping Your Woods Healthy
Christopher Reeves | Feb. 3, 2017
FORFS16-29 - Selling Black Walnuts in Kentucky - 2016
Sep. 26, 2016
FORFS15-05 - Selling Black Walnuts in Kentucky - 2015
Sep. 15, 2015
FORFS07-03 - Local Forestry Organizations in Kentucky: Project Ideas
Billy Thomas | Jan. 1, 2007
FORFS07-02 - Local Forestry Organizations in Kentucky: Formation and Organization
Billy Thomas | Jan. 1, 2007
FORFS07-01 - Local Forestry Organizations in Kentucky: A Growing Idea
Billy Thomas | Jan. 1, 2007
FOR53 - Kentucky Forest Fact Sheet
Billy Thomas | Jan. 1, 2007
4DF-03PC - 4H Forestry Project: Planting Trees
Feb. 10, 2005
AEN-88 - The Global Positioning System
Doug McLaren, Tim Stombaugh | Jan. 1, 2005
4DF-01PB - 4H Forestry Project: Introducing Yourself to Trees
Deborah Hill | Feb. 10, 2002
FORFS02-01 - Common Trees of Kentucky
Jan. 1, 2002
FORFS99-2 - Tax Options for Timber Revenue
Jeffrey Stringer, Marcella Szymanski | Mar. 1, 2001
4DF-02PA - Kentucky's Useful Forests
Deborah Hill | Feb. 10, 2001
SR-2001-1 - Bibliography of Research at Robinson Forest, 1926-2000
Dwayne A. Turner | Feb. 10, 2000
ID-71 - Woody Plants Under Stress
Deborah Hill | Feb. 10, 2000
FOR65 - Tree Tips
Deborah Hill | Jan. 1, 1999
FOR61 - Scientific Classification of Trees
James E. Reeb | Jan. 1, 1998
FOR08 - Kentucky Coffeetree: The State Heritage Tree of Kentucky
Deborah Hill | Feb. 8, 1993
FOR02 - Yellow-Poplar: The State Tree of Kentucky
Deborah Hill | Oct. 1, 1985
FOR14 - Debris Burning and Forest Fires
Doug McLaren | Jan. 1, 1984